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Imagine Flags

As part of community engagement for the Met Council’s 2050 regional plan, Thompson’s  Imagine Flags started with creating symbols to represent the 5 regional goals laid out in the draft plan. He then held workshops in Regional Parks where participants could visually represent their hopes for the future by selecting and arranging up to 3 of the 5 symbols that they felt were most important on a pre-cut blank flag. The difficulty for participants was that they make want to support all 5 regional goals but had to prioritize their top 3. Each person’s flag served as their comment on the plan and flew at the Met Council chambers and beyond. Workshops were held with English and Spanish translation and speakers at the Monarch Fest in Minneapolis, at the Coon Rapids Dam and Lebanon Hills Park with 230 flags being made, all flags will be installed at the Met Council’s office this fall and go back to the parks in the spring.